🗓️Presale Schedule

The Crudo Token presale has been carefully planned to ensure the project's successful launch and growth. There's a hardcap, which is the ideal amount of funding needed to fully develop the ecosystem, and a softcap, the minimum required to successfully launch the ecosystem. This setup helps raise enough funds to launch while keeping the token's value high, benefiting early investors and adopters. The presale phases are designed to steadily gather the necessary support, ensuring the token's success and building trust among backers.

The CRUDO Token Presale is structured into 10 Stages with the price set to increase after every stage sells out. Any unsold tokens will be burnt before the exchange listing during a live event ensuring transparency to the holders.

Softcap: $8,350,000

Hardcap: $14,230,000

Listing Price: $0.20

Last updated